C# - How to add reference to project

To add a reference to CSharp project do the following:
  1. Open “Solution Explorer”;
  2. Right click “References”;
  3. Choose “Add Reference”.

On the Reference Manager Window go to: “Assemblies” -> “Framework”.
2017/10/05 01:31

C# Custom control – TextBox accepting only numbers, decimal numbers, signed numbers

The creation of custom control using Visual Studio involves the following steps:
  1. Start Visual Studio;
  2. Create new “Windows Control Library” project;
  3. In the created project delete “User Control” file;
  4. Go to “Project” > “Add User Control” and give it a name;
  5. Change the inherited class to this that you want your control to be;
  6. Create you custom properties for the control;
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    2017/10/05 00:51

Visual Studio – Add custom control DLL to toolbox

To add a custom control to VisualStudio project:1) Go to “Toolbox” tab;2) Right click on it and click “Choose Items…”;

3) In the “Choose Toolbox Items” window click on the “Browse…” button.Navigate to the location where your Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file is.Click “OK”. Now your custom control is included into the Visual Studio toolbox.
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2017/10/05 00:37

Handling CheckedListBox ItemCheck event in C#

Common problem handling ItemCheck event in CheckedListBox control is the fact that when the event is fired the object's state change is not finalized.If within the ItemCheck event handling function we try to get the CheckedListBox item's check state using the most common methods like getting collection of all checked items

2015/11/19 10:16

C# How to Modify DataSet Connection Strings at Runtime?

Detailed instructions by Paul Keister in his excellent article Adaptive Connection Strings for Windows Forms Applications
In brief
the connection string property is set read only in the Settings.Designer.cs class:
public string MyAppConnectionString {
   get {
            return ((string)(this["MyAppConnectionString"]));

2015/10/19 11:07