Windows Forms C# - Forms and Dialogs

Forms and dialogs in Windows Forms are windows that contain controls. They can be different types: to have or to not have a frame, to be modular or not to be, to be stretchable or not to be, to be above all other windows or not to be, and so on. The System.Windows.Forms.Form class The System.Windows.Forms.Form class is a base class for all for
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2018/02/02 22:01

C# Get selected item text from combobox

C# Combobox defined with name my_combobox
private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox my_combobox;

Read the text of the selected combobox item and assign it to string variable, then show it in message box.
string selected_item_text = my_combobox.GetItemText(my_combobox.SelectedItem); MessageBox.Show(selected_item_text);

2017/10/18 06:03

Deploy ASP .NET MVC application using LocalDB to local IIS

When ASP application is published to IIS using LocalDB accessing the database may result in the following error:

Server Error in '/Application_Name' Application.A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server.
2017/10/18 05:49

c# combobox fill from database

To get only the unique /distinct/ data table records from any database connected to DataSet in C# project and to put them inside combobox.Fill the table adapter with the records from database.
Create a view containing the database table
DataView view = new DataView(this.myDB_DataSet.myDBTable);

Copy only the distinct records to new data table.
2017/10/05 03:18

Get latest date record - SQL query

To return the latest record (one record only) from data base table where one of the fields is in Date/Time format:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM table_name ORDER BY date_time_column_name DESC
2017/10/05 03:02