MBM Project - Tribon utilities download


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2011/10/16 21:25

PDMS to Tribon Drafting comparison

1. Scope

The scope of this document is to provide a simplified comparison based on PDMS Draft and Tribon Drafting.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to give an overview of two 3D- drafting systems and underline the differences between them.


2011/10/16 21:15

PDMS to Tribon modeling comparison

1. Scope

The scope of this document is a simplified model comparison based on PDMS Structural Design and TRIBON Hull Design.

2. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to give an overview of two 3D- modeling systems and underline the differences between them.


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2011/10/16 21:15

Create multiple outfitting modules using Vitesse script

Setting up a new Tribon project for the outfitting applications involves the creation of new outfitting modules. Boring job that has to be done. The usual way is to use "Tribon design manager" - an interactive application where the outfitting modules can be created one by one. Imagine that the number of these modules is 50 or 100 or more?

Here is one simple Vitesse script, that will help you create all outfitting modules at once. It uses an external text file for input.

import sys

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2011/10/16 21:15

Python modules, how do they work?

1. Introduction

As we start writing larger Python programs, the amount of names of our variables, functions, classes, etc. grows so, that it becomes necessary to organise them into some categories or subsets, commonly called namespaces. The following language structures offer such facilities:

  • classes,
  • modules,
  • packages.

In this article we will not talk about classes, as they deserve a separate discussion.

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2011/10/16 21:15